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Amy Stark

It’s Electric

“Thousands of emotions well up inside me throughout the day. They are released when I dance.” ~Abraham Lincoln

A lot of wonderful things have happened in my life—-some considered miracles.

Years ago, I was making a house call to a boisterous older Italian lady. Her personality filled the room along with her laughter and the essence of home-cooked food. I felt like I was part of “The Family.”

She explained that in the last few years, her mobility has significantly declined—and was diagnosed with severe arthritis in her knees. She no longer was able to enjoy her walks to the cemetery to visit her late husband—he simply struggled to just get out of a chair.

She told me stories of when she used to enjoy cooking and dancing with her husband. These stories lit up her face and brought tears to mine. She clearly missed him.

As we talked, I began seeing the connection between her emotions and the manifestation of her arthritis. She didn’t feel safe, her heart was breaking, and she felt like the part that completed her was missing. She even admitted to not taking enough time to grieve his death.

It made sense that her arthritis became worse after her husband's passing and that she no longer found joy in many things. It appeared she was having trouble moving on with her life—both mentally and physically.

What followed was a m-i-r-a-c-l-e.

When I began the session I found much of the energy being drawn to her knees. First, I started with one knee. Then the other. I saw mini chakras that had developed around each knee and the meridians that run from the knee to the toes. I understood my role in relieving the energetic congestion there. While finishing up on her right leg, a jolt of energy came out of my left middle finger to her knee that made a buzzing noise and a blue spark! This sensation felt like electricity—I know this, because I have so brilliantly stuck my finger in an outlet before! Nothing of this magnitude had ever happened before in my healings. I wondered if I had actually electrocuted her! I glanced up to see if she was in pain—thankfully a peaceful expression blanked her face. Phewww…

As I continued to work I could see an injury from her early twenties in her ankle. It appeared to be part of an accident with a car door— sure enough, she explained a car door was slammed on her ankle in her early twenties! This injury was impeding the flow of energy to her knees, so I cleared the trauma and realigned the energy. It always amazes me how long the body will hold on to trauma. That energy and information (injury) were over 50 years old!

After I finished up the healing I spoke to her about the electrical shock—she was indeed aware of it! I asked her why she wasn’t afraid of the shock and she said, “I just trusted it was supposed to happen!” Wow!

After debriefing her on my findings, I informed her that her late husband was present during the healing session. He had his arm wrapped around her shoulders to comfort her during the session. She was thrilled to know that he was close to her and remarked how he had always wrapped his arm around her when they were together.

When it was time to say goodbye, she stood up with ease and exclaimed, “I don’t have pain anymore! I’m going to go for a walk around the block! Maybe I’ll go all the way to the cemetery!” We laughed, and I told her to not overdo it as her body adjusts to the new energy and frequency. She agreed a walk on the block was a safe bet for now.

What happened in this healing turned out to be the perfect dance between her mind, body, and spirit, and a perfect example of a miracle.

****I just want to take a moment to share how honored I feel when those who have passed present themselves in healings. Their energy is so pure, loving, and their messages so clear and healing. It is hard to describe how lucky I feel to be able to connect to them during healings and be in their presence. It’s humbling and honoring at the same time. Sometimes it instantly makes me cry because the beauty, clarity, and love are so overwhelming.****

*All stories are told with permission.


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