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"I had my first session with Amy and during the session I could feel shifts within my body, full body and muscle relaxation, and intuitive “downloads” for my next steps in life."
"I am so grateful for Amy’s ability to heal pain and discomfort in such a short period of time!"
"Amy is incredibly skilled at what she does and has seen clinically significant results in patients with neurological disorders."

 Testimonials & Kind Words

"Amy is a gifted healer with a HUGE HEART! I highly recommend her! Her intuition and abilities are so special and rare, anyone who comes into contact with her is, I would consider, lucky! Her heart and soul are committed to phenomenal results for her clients."

— K., FL

“I love working with Amy. I’ve been having sessions with her on a regular basis for the last several months and the improvement has been remarkable. I don’t remember the last time I’ve felt this good!”

— Susan Lander, Hay House Author

"Amy Stark is an energetic, intuitive and inspirational “lightning rod” that will rapidly align you with your souls greatest expression and life mission. She’s helped me out a lot, and I was a tough case."

— A., CA

“Amy is a ray of sunshine. She is able to harness positive energy and achieve amazing results. I highly recommend her services."

—  H. NJ

"I could see the change in my son immediately after his first session with Amy. His energy felt lighter, freer, and happier. I was amazed to see how his social and emotional struggles began improving so quickly. Amy is incredibly gifted and skilled in the work that she does!"

— N., CO

“I am 69 years old and experience severe carpel tunnel in my wrists and arthritis and edema in my ankles. The pain was so bad it kept me up nights. I had to resort to wearing an uncomfortable brace all night. Then I found Amy. After 1 session with her I did not need my brace–sleep came easier and I wasn’t waking up in pain! My ankle swelling went down too! It is the most wonderful sensation to have Amy work on you—like being in a spa—it’s uplifting and gives you an all-over feeling of well being!"

— S., FL

"Amy is an intelligent, intuitive, knowledgeable, kind and beautiful person - one of my very favorite people in the world! And she is devoted to creatively helping others heal! So if you have the need or the chance to work with her, feel blessed that you have the opportunity!"

— P., FL

Diagonal Lines
“Amy has incredible gifts, tools and knowledge to help you and your body, mind, and spirit move and clear energy for healing and wellness. She’s amazing."

— T., CO

"Amy is incredibly skilled at what she does and has seen clinically significant results in patients with neurological disorders."

— M., NY

"I had my first session with Amy and during the session I could feel shifts within my body, full body and muscle relaxation, and intuitive “downloads” for my next steps in life b/c I was more present and tapped in to my higher self! I will be back for sure and I’m excited to see how these shifts will play out over the next few weeks! You are a very talented healer, Amy! Thank you."

—   J., CO

“A recent session with Amy was AMAZING! She has the healing touch that aligns and reconnects your energy. The lasting effects have been a heightened awareness of color, feeling more connected with the earth and an overall better sense of well being! Thanks Amy!"

—  D. NYC

"My 12 year old daughter has had sinus congestion since she was 2 yrs old. I have searched to find natural ways to heal her of this especially after taking her to an E.N.T. who said to give her “Zyrtec” for the rest of her life. That simply was not an option I wanted my girl to live with. Finding Amy was God send!
She offered a natural relaxing and pleasant experience for my daughter. There were results the very evening of her session. It was a gradual change in her breathing. Her nasal passages were allowing air in! A month later she continues to experience better and better breathing! She loves her energy healing sessions with Amy!"

— Mother of 2 Children

"Amy worked on my toddler son who has Down syndrome and the results were amazing! She was able to identify and treat issues he was having that his doctor missed, like when he had congestion blocking his eustation tube. I had taken him to the doctor earlier that day and he hadn’t seen anything amiss, but Amy identified it and asked me if she could clear it. After it was cleared it was obvious that he was greatly relieved and he did great on a flight we took the next day..."

—  T., AZ

"I don’t claim to understand fully how Reiki works or how someone can possess a “gift” such as this. But I don’t really need to understand it anymore. What I can attest to are the facts of my own personal experience with Reiki...

—  D., FL

"During the last 8 weeks, I have noticed huge changes. These are the changes:
* Impulse control being drastically better
* Better control of her hands
* a lessening of aggressive spells

In terms of her connection to others, she is now able to go places with her caregivers in public with ease and enjoyment...

—  Mother of a 14 year old girl with Autism

"Amy is a gifted healer! Don’t hesitate if you get the chance to work with her."

— M., NY

"Amy is a natural healer. She genuinely cares about helping others — friends, colleagues, family, people within her community, and people who are seeking a better quality of life. She has devoted years of time to her own personal studies of the Healing Arts and I can say from experience that she is a talented Reiki healer. I would highly recommend Amy to anyone interested in improving their overall health & wellness."

—  H., NYC

Video Testimonials
More Healing Stories

**Please note: While Amy has witnessed many of her clients experience amazing healings, she cannot guarantee a miracle for you—neither can anyone else for that matter.

***Please note: Amy is not a doctor and does not diagnose. She illustrates how your personal mind, body and spirit connect to form your overall health. She only makes suggestions based on information received from you and your energetic body.

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