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Foot-loose and Fancy-free!


Donating your stuff will not only increase the balance in your karma bank and likely put a smile on your face, it will also give you flexibility in life. I was talking with a friend who is giving up almost everything to pursue her dream. Kudos to her! She has waited almost 40 years to manifest her dream career and surprisingly one of her main concerns is if she needs her enormous, ji-gundo green couch!

I simply told her, “No, don’t be ridiculous!” Thank goodness she’s got a good sense of humor!

Since she is going to be living out of a suitcase for the next 6-9 months as she goes to school, it doesn’t make any sense to keep it especially since she needs the money!

Plus, she wouldn’t want to be in a position of saying, “I can’t take that job/apartment/opportunity because of my couch.” THAT would be ridiculous.

So why is she so set on holding on to a couch she won’t use for at least half a year? A better question is, why do people hold on to anything?

The truth is, stuff makes us feel safe and secure. When we really examine why we hold on to stuff, we find that a lot of that stuff is actually holding on to us. Often we accumulate things, give them meaning, energy, time, and space, and then resent them when we lose our freedom to move foot-loose and fancy-free! Some of us have even created debt to accumulate this stuff—and that’s a double chokehold on our freedom!

Purge yourself of your “stuff.” I’m not suggesting you act like a monk or go sans everything including your underwear, I’m just suggesting you look around and think, “What’s holding me back from feeling free?”

Ultimately I think we all want to feel free to move when we feel inspired to do so.

Selling or donating your stuff will make you feel lighter and you’ll be sending the signal to the Universe that you have enough— which will be matched with you always feeling like you have enough!

Start off the new year by signaling that you have abundance and are ready to move with your intuition and opportunities!


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