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The Effects of Energy Work on People with Parkinson’s

JUNE 2016

Amy designed a study to show how energy work affects people with Parkinson’s. She created the study to be nine weeks with seven volunteers who have Parkinson’s. She met with participants week.


Average Total Scores

Average Total Scores




Every one of the seven participants benefited from the energy work somehow. Every one of the participants’ total symptom scores decreased from the start of the study. The study was nine weeks, with some participants receiving 5,7, 8, or 9 sessions of energy work. Participants were in Phases 1, 2, and 3 of Parkinson’s. Total scores were calculated for each participant at each session, and average full scores were compared between the start and end of the study. For each specific symptom, average start and end scores were compared. All comparisons were made using a student’s t-­test with p<0.05 considered being statistically significant. 


  • The average starting total symptom score was 47. The average end score was 24.7 (p=0.007).

  • All the study participants experienced a significant decrease in sleeping problems (p= .012).

  • All the study participants experienced a significant decrease in fatigue (p= .02).

  • All the participants experienced a significant improvement in balance (p= .015).

  • All the participants experienced a significant improvement in gait (p= .048).

  • Marked improvements were also seen in motor skills, anxiety, and pain from old and new injuries.

  • Two out of the 7 participants experienced approximately an 80% decrease in overall symptoms.


Here is a table comparing the participants’ total score difference, % of change, and # of energy work sessions.

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